You are an expert and solve problems for your clients. Prospects need "proof" you have the expertise they need.
We often meet and listen to them, then (to demonstrate our understanding of their problem) answer giving too much information. We solve their problem - but without an agreement to pay for the value we have provided.
I refer to this as "the coaches' dilemma".
What we need is third-party validation of our expertise. Being a published author provides such credibility.
What you'll get:
- Weekly meeting (mastermind)
- Support to define and refine your concepts
- Technical production support
- "Evergreen" webinar on Amazon Live showcasing your expertise and promoting your new publication
Many are able to publish their book, online course, and webinar in 12 weeks or less. You are welcome to participate in the group for as few or many months as you need.
Other authors are at different stages.This is not a "cohort" where all members are at the same point. We have first time authors and those who've published already and are working on second or later publications.